Saturday, January 5, 2013

Monday, November 12, 2012


With the first real snow just finished, I can't help but bring my mind to the impending Swedish winter I will live through. I'm still excited for Sweden, but I would be lying if I said I loved when it was cold, and dark and snowy.... I'm much more of a spring/summer person who likes it getting dark at 10pm and not 2pm. Still.... I want to go. It's not like this will be for the rest of my life, and I did say I wanted something different. At least I already have good winter clothes!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

One Year, a Million Thoughts

Yes, I really really really want to go to Sweden. Will I? Who knows until I actually apply and get accepted. As far as I know, I will be going to Uppsala Universitet in Uppsala, Sweden (Or as it’s spelled in svenska, Sverige).

Yes, I am already learning Swedish. Yes, I still need the pass this semester before I even know if I can apply. But it doesn’t mean I’m not already researching everything and anything about Sweden, Swedish culture, and the language. Anything from how to dress to survive the long, cold winter (surprisingly not as cold as one might think) to the tradition of fika.

Fika is very similar to a coffee date with friends, but is usually done more than once a day. Swedes have the second highest consumption of coffee, just after the Finnish. I guess it’s because of the long winters, which in Uppsala can have only 6 hours of daylight in the middle of winter

I mean, there is a reason this is called ‘millions of thoughts’. That is because I do, in fact, have my brain filled with thoughts of Sweden. It’s just so foreign and such a long time to be away from Canada, but I really want the experience. How many people can say they studied at a Swedish university for a year? I will be graduating late because of this, but it’s worth it

This blog is starting so early so I can get my thoughts down and wherever I end up next year, I can look back and remember what I wanted and was looking forward to. The next post may not be until January next year, but if it is, it will hopefully be the news of my eventual departure to Uppsala

(I have never blogged before, so I apologize if I don't make sense)